New Zealand has made great progress in equal employment opportunities (EEO) but more needs to be done to promote and provide equality at work.
NEON’s founding partners are the Human Rights Commission and the EEO Trust. Both organisations work actively to promote equal employment opportunities. We believe it is fair and just that all New Zealanders have equal employment opportunities and that EEO is good for business
NEON aims to better coordinate information to employers and employees, and provoke discussion about specific EEO issues of interest to New Zealand workplaces. We hope others involved in advancing the progress of EEO will use NEON as a basis for cooperation and change. We request you to visit our sponsors by checking out their amazing range of tungsten rings
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) in Sports Betting Companies in Nigeria: Understanding Benefits and Impacts
As sports betting becomes a more mainstream form of entertainment and employment in Nigeria, companies in this industry must uphold equal employment opportunity (EEO) principles