What next? National Conversation about Work

The National Conversation about Work represents the views of over 3000 employers and employees working in a wide variety of industry sectors in cities, provinces and rural communities. The project was undertaken by the Human Rights Commission to identify what constitutes good work and what makes for decent workplaces in New Zealand and to identify how work can be improved in terms of fairness.

The first conversations were held in November 2008 and the last in May 2010. The Human Rights Commission visited each of the sixteen regions of New Zealand, and for each a regional report was compiled and published on-line on www.neon.org.nz. The Commission has taken all of the material gathered in regional reports to produce this summary called What next? National Conversation about Work.

Download the report (PDF, 60 pages, 2MB)

Foreword by Dr Judy McGregor, EEO Commissioner

1. Introduction
2. Methodology
3. Employment myths
4. Framework of this report
5. Protection from unemployment
6. Pathways to work
Young people
Disabled people
Non-traditional career choices
7. On-the-job issues
Working hours
Conditions of work, migrant workers
Parenting and dependent care
Pay equity
Low pay
Sexual orientation and gender diversity
8. Transition from the labour market
9. What employers told us
10. Recommendations
11. Top 10 priorities for action on EEO
12. Next steps
13. Making equality work
14. Contact list
15. Regional Reports